2017 brings with it exciting news, including
Kodak's announcement of bringing back Ektachrome in Super 8 form! Very exciting, but much like the camera they announced at CES last year, we'll hold our collective breaths until we can hold them in our hands.
As Sundance and Slamdance close up their festivals, there's a little festival in Toronto dedicated to this small gauge formats that celebrating it's 10th anniversary.
Congratulations to the organizers of
the 8 Fest for providing a great showcase for small gauge films for all these years, and being dedicated to showing these films in their original formats.
Over the years, the 8 fest has done a tremendous job of featuring many films from past OTS8 events from across the country.
This year, I am deeply humbled (and slightly terrified) to have been selected as the Canadian Spotlight Artist. It's been a very interesting process looking at my past films and having them curated into a program. A few of my past one take films made the list. It's been nice revisiting them again. But there are quite a few films I have never shown publicly before, and this was a good motivation to get them ready for the big screen for their premieres. It's hard to believe that a couple of the films are close to 20 years old already.
The benefit of being a part of OTS8 events is that I was able to share the anxiety with a group of 20+ filmmakers, and only had to bear responsibility for my 3 minutes (good or bad). But having 19 of my films play back to back is a real departure from my comfort zone.
In any case, my thanks to the organizers of the 8 fest for being such great supporters of the OTS8 and if you happen to be in Toronto this weekend, please check out this festival, it's one of a kind and totally worth it.